Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary: Brer Rabbit

Brer Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harris (1881)

"Den Brer Rabbit scratch one year wid his off hinefoot sorter jub'usly en den he ups en sez, sezee: All a setting Brer Fox. Spose'n you drap roun' ter morrer..." definitely a weird type of writing that i am not a fan of so far but we will see as the story goes on. 

"Mawnin!" says Brer Rabbit. "Nice wedder dis mawnin" Although it is kind of hard to read, it is funny picturing them all talking like this and the way they write
 really gives you an idea of what it actually sounds like versus writing in a normal way. 

"Who's enny cowerd?"
"You is. Dat's who. I aint soshatin wit dem, w'at lays down on the groun' en plays dean w'en dar's a free fight gwine on." 
This was one of my favorite quotes of the story so far, as I write in a normal way... i loved how he said "soshatin" at first I was like...what in the world is he saying until I realized it was associating. 

"Bimeby he up'n say, sezee: "Well, I speck I got you dis time, Brer Rabbit,".... "maybe I ain't, but I speck I is. You been runnin' roun' here sassin atter me a mighty long time, but I speck you done come ter de een' er de row. You bin cuttin' up yo' capers en bouncin' roun' in dis neighberhood ontwel you come ter b'leeve yo'se'f de boss er de whole gang."

"Nobody 'roun' fer ter look atter Brer Fox, not even Brer Tukkey Buzzard ain't come ter de funer'l," sezee. "I hope Brer Fox ain't dead, but I speck he is," sezee
I think its funny too that they say "sezee" In this quote they are talking about Brer Fox and how nobody has seen him or looked after him and don't know whether he is even dead or not. 

"Oh, do pray save me, Brer Rabbit!" sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "Do please, Brer Rabbit! De dogs is atter me, en dey 'll t'ar me up. Don't you year um comin'? Do please save me, Brer Rabbit! Hide me some'rs whar de dogs won't git me."

This is an interesting story and way or writing but honestly I can't sit here and say I really know whats going on in the actual story. When you have to read the words and try to understand what they are trying to say and then trying to keep track of whats going on in the story, its a little complicated. I would definitely not adopt this in any of my writing but thats just me!

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