To be honest, I picked this topic because I love any story involving animals. I know nothing about the topic thus far but anything with animals will catch my attention. I do know it is one of the core texts of Buddhism and tells the story of Buddha. I look forward to learning more about this topic in the future!
Research done so far: I read some of the info from your World Literature Course about the Jataka unit. I read about the religion of Buddhism and how it started in India and spread all throughout Asia eventually. I have also heard about the word Buddha several sometimes but wasn't aware of the full meaning of it, for example I did not know that it meant the one who is "awake" I thought it was very interesting that it is one of the largest religions in the world.
2) Topic: Beowulf
As shown already in my blog, I already wrote about Beowulf earlier in the week so I already know quite a bit about it. The story of Beowulf is very interesting. As I only read the first half of the story, i still learned quite a bit about Beowulf as the first part of the story described Beowulf and his journey. The story showed how Beowulf went from someone who was doubted to someone who became one of the most trusted, respected people.
Research done so far:
I have not done any research thus far, as i mentioned below I have read part 1 of the story so I know quite a bit about it but I know there is a lot more to it. Beowulf was the nephew of Hygelac, in a town called Geatsland. Beowulf was one of Hygelac's "thanes" because Hygelac saw something in Beowulf that not others did. Beowulf was constantly challenged throughout his life and continued to prove people wrong time and time again.
3) Topic: Beauty and the Beast
This topic popped out to me simply because of the name and how popular Beauty and the Beast is and always has been. However, I do not know much about Beauty and the Beast in great detail. When you grow up around girls and event today are around my nieces and my girlfriends nieces, Beauty and the Beast is a hot topic.
Research done so far:
I referred to Wikipedia to learn more about Beauty and the Beast.. As this fairy tale is about Beauty (Belle) and the Beast and how Belle ends up at the Beasts castle and refuses to have dinner with him that night and is eventually ran into a pack of wolves when running away from the beast in fear. The Beast ends up saving Belle's life from the wolves. I am looking forward to maybe choosing this fairy tale as my story to look into more in the future.
4) Topic: Bigfoot
Bigfoot is also one of those stories you always hear about but you never actually know any details about it or who he is and what he does so I am looking forward to doing some research on the topic and getting to know more about it because right now, I do not know much.
Research done so far: Wikipedia is my favorite for sources for topics like these because I believe it really gives all the details about the topic. Bigfoot is a name that is given to a mythological simian or ape that is believed to inhabit forests.